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About Us

Today's energy industry is undergoing a revolution on a massive scale.  It is being driven by recent technological innovations that have facilitated the production of oil & gas from the world's vast unconventional resource plays previously considered uneconomical.  New techniques and processes that are being implemented may eventually double the percentage of the oil in place recovered from existing conventional oilfields.  At least for the time being, the the inevitable panic associated with "peak oil" seems like yesterday's problem.


This increase in supply will inevitably lead to lower oil prices, thereby forcing the industry to rapidly implement new ways to improve their margins.  Margin improvement is achieved by reducing the risks and costs associated with producing each barrel of oil equivalent.  The best way to do that is by dramatically improving the understanding of their subsurface reservoirs.

The primary means of assessing the location and the amount of subsurface oil in place is via seismic surveys.  By an overwhelming percentage, the majority of onshore seismic surveys performed today employ surface seismic, that is... both the seismic sources and the seismic receivers are locate at the surface.  Improved image resolution requires that both the sources and the receivers be closer to the reservoir, i.e., downhole.  The industry has made substantial improvements in the performance of downhole sensors, however, there has been very little progress made on improved downhole sources.  


That is, until now!  The Patent Pending Distributed Seismic Source tm (DSS) system developed by GPUSA employs non-impulsive or distributed energy downhole seismic sourcing - resulting in the world's most powerful, rugged and reliable downhole oilfield source systems.

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